Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to receive meal service at Stone Soup Corvallis, Inc.?

Any person who needs a meal. There are no conditions or qualifications. A few rules to foster a safe and comfortable environment are posted in each dining area.

Where does Stone Soup Corvallis, Inc. get their food?

A portion of our food and supplies comes from Linn-Benton Food Share.  We received food from local businesses, individual donations, and from SAGE and other community gardens. The remainder of the food we have to purchase from a food service distributor or local businesses. We take donations but do not yet take canned or packaged foods, while COVID is still present. 

How is Stone Soup Corvallis, Inc. funded?

Funding comes from individual donations and from organizations, such as religious communities, Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center Social Accountability Budget, Corvallis Kiwanis Foundation, Benton Community Foundation, Oregon Community Foundation, Confederated Tribe of the Siletz, Ralph Hull Foundation, United Way and the City of Corvallis through the United Way of Linn and Benton Counties.  We also receive grant funding from the US Government Emergency Food and Shelter Program.

How do individuals, organizations or businesses donate?

For food donations, contact Stone Soup Corvallis, Inc. at 541-666-8268 or Financial contributions can be mailed to the address at the bottom of this page. Also, see the 'Donate' tab on our Home Page. 

What is the organizational structure of Stone Soup Corvallis, Inc.?

Stone Soup Corvallis, Inc. is led by a volunteer twelve-member Board of Directors chosen from the community. The daily operations are lead by a part-time food service manager and three meal site managers. 

Are there inspections and rules Stone Soup Corvallis, Inc. must follow?

Yes, Stone Soup Corvallis, Inc. is licensed to serve food to the public and kitchens are inspected by the Benton County Department of Health.  Stone Soup Corvallis, Inc. has rules, guidelines, agreements, and laws it must follow, including the rules and regulations of Linn-Benton Food Share and Oregon Food Bank, IRS rules for tax-exempt status, food safety guidelines enforced by Benton County Department of Health, agreements written with our two host churches,  and anti-discrimination laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion or disability.

Does Stone Soup Corvallis, Inc., have paid employees?

Yes, we have one part-time food-service manager, who was hired to help during COVID. All other Stone Soup activities are done with volunteers. We also pay for the services of a bonded accounting firm. 

What do volunteers for Stone Soup Corvallis do? How can I volunteer?

These questions are answered under the 'Volunteer' tab found on our home page.

Is there a minimum age limit for volunteers to work at a meal-site?

Typically, volunteers must be 17 years of age or older; there are some task that youth under 18 years cannot do for safety reasons.  Vaccinated youth aged 14-16 may volunteer with signed permission from a parent or guardian and if they are accompanied by a parent, guardian, or responsible group leader.  Adults accompanying a youth must check in/out with the meal-site supervisor. There must be one adult for every youth group, with a maximum of five youth per group. Prior arrangements must be made with the Volunteer Coordinator at